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Previous Shows

OFitD Productions started back in 2011 when the founders were still at university in the small town of Aberystwyth. They had big dreams and had to take the time to figure out what they were good at, but with every production, they put their foot in the door and kept on striving. 

Happiness Anonymous Share Show     Livestream Fundraiser

This live streamed online fundraiser sees Jem host a series of 'creative shares' (contributions) to raise money for a selected charity. Contributors from all over the world get creative and respond to a given theme - something important to discuss, linked to mental health, and embodying the values of the season or the philanthropic organisation that show is supporting. It is a cabaret of joy, all for a good cause!

The show livestreams on our YouTube channel, and you can watch previous shows on demand. 


So far we have raised funds and awareness in support of: 


Mind - The Mental Health Charity in England and Wales that provides free mental health aid and resources to everyone. 


Emergency UK - Providing health care to those in war torn of improverished locations. This was in support of a Children's Hospital in Afganistan. 


The Halo Trust - Removing landmines and other leftovers from war around the world. 

The Morris Animal Foundation - In loving memory of Betty White, a chairty that contributes to the research and care of animal welfare. 

The DEC's Ukraine Humanitarian Fund - Part of the DEC board of funds, we raised money to help those affected by the war in Ukraine.


You can watch the previous Share Shows on our YouTube channel at your leisure. 

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Jones' : An Immersive Show     Immersive Theatre

Jones had a dream to one day own the coolest, best bar in London. Today, with his best friend Nat, he runs that bar. He gave up everything to follow his destiny. It seemed fated that he ends up here one day, but when new information comes to light and the long-lost love of his life reappears he has to make the decision: give in to ‘fate’ or make his own destiny.


This show was created in association with Youngs Brewery, Diago,  Hudson Whiskey, and Tanqueray Gin.



Written and Directed by Jemma Rowlston

Run: 1. Brewer's Inn. 2. Wandsworth Fringe at Brewer's Inn. 

Original cast: Sab Muthusamy, Leo Jeffs and Barbara Blanka

Wandsworth Fringe 2018 Cast: Sab Muthusamy, Mathilda Holland, Leo Jeffs, Annie Harris, featuring Jemma Rowlston and Adam Elliot

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Cats and Dogs Give the Best Advice      Fringe Theatre

Debuting at the 2016 Edinburgh Fringe, ‘Cats and Dogs Give The Best Advice’ is a kids show for adults featuring puppets, jokes and one too many cats. Join a Narrator who desperately wants to keep everything perfect and just as it was as she learns about life and moving forward. There are puppets, dancing demons, the bad side of town, a guitarman and a huge art attack. It’s a little bit whimsical, a lot of crazy and a good splash of real human dilemma.


​We’d also like to take the chance to thank everyone who supported the company before and during our run at this year’s Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Selling out for a few nights was a huge milestone for our young company and we know we couldn’t have done it without you! With that in mind, and a way to say thank you for all the support, our Edinburgh Fringe 2016 show ‘Cats and Dogs Give the Best Advice’ can be found free on our youtube channel.



Creative Producers: Sean Brady, Jemma Rowlston

Writer: John Gallagher

Director: Jemma Rowlston

Debut: Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2016, 2 week run

Original Cast: Lucy Boyland, Jess Murray, Matthew Lomax, Jenny Brown, Charlie Humphreys, Jack Downey

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MySelf(ie)      Interactive Fringe Theatre

Debuting at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2016, MySelf(ie) was also OFitD Production's professional debut.


‘Social Media, twisted as it may be, Holds so much possibility…’ MySelf(ie) is an interactive installation performance exploring the role of the internet and social media in our lives. It’s funny, it’s risky and it lets you into our social media lives in a way you’re never been let in before.


What role does social media play in the life of an average twenty something? Is it really helping us become more tolerant, knowledgeable and globally informed individuals? Or are we in danger of losing ourselves in a jumble of hashtags, memes and cat videos?


Explore these questions in a very personal and intimate way: bringing the voice of many to one single, out of the box, terribly fun show.



Devisers: Jemma Rowlston, Dan Morgan, Hope Dowsett, Sean Brady, Libby Daniel & Nick Saunders

Run: Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2015, 1 week run

Original Cast: Jemma Rowlston, Dan Morgan, Hope Dowsett & Sean Brady

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Shakespeare in a Week      En-Promenade Theatre

8 Shakespeare Plays, 1 Hour, 1 Week to prepare.


8 directors were allocated a different Shakespeare play. They had 8 minutes - any 8 minutes they wanted from the play - to tell their story. And they only had 1 week to prepare. They would all be performed en promenade through the 'Somewhere to:_' project to a live audience. 


What came from this crazy proposal were extracts performed, abstract performances, dance, performance art, rehearsed reading and an installation given to a sell out audience in Aberystwyth Wales in September 2011.

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