Current Shows
OFitD Productions has many feet in many doors. Here are the things we're up to at the moment...
Happiness Anonymous One-Woman Theatre Show
1 woman. 5 characters. 1 zombie behind 1 Big Red Door.
A young girl living in a post-apocalyptic world where zombies roam the street, and how she creates an anonymous support group – but for happiness.
This one-woman show is a funny, whimsical, wholesome and at times crushingly honest look at this thing we call happiness. Encounter and interact with 5 different characters as they and the audience go on a journey to find steps, answers and joy.
Oh, and there’s a zombie behind that big red door, but don’t mind that!
Written and produced by Jemma Rowlston.
Run: 1. EdFringe 2022, 1 week. 2. EdFringe 2023, 1 week.
Original cast: Jemma Rowlston.
Hugest of thanks to: Oval Arts Depot and KPCC, Shannon, Dukes, Angela, Grace, PBH Free Fringe and all the audience members who take the risk on this little show that could.